From Psalm 81: 16 "with honey from the rock I would satisfy you".
In Psalm 81, God reminds Israel of His past faithfulness to rescue them and set them free when they called to Him in their distress. He urged Israel to once again turn to Him, "Open wide your in mouth and I will fill it". If only Israel would listen to Him and submit to His ways, he would prove His faithfulness and goodness again through deliverance and provision.
Christ is our unchanging Rock that we can count on to satisfy us even when nothing else does. This means in any situation: difficult, rocky, or in the wilderness where sources of provision and sustenance appear dried up. But even here, God can provide honey, sweet and fulfilling. There is hope.
This lesson can be remembered when considering pottery: creating something functional and useful (and hopefully beautiful) from a hunk of clay. Traditional clay contains decomposed and eroded rocks and is dug up from the ground. Without moisture it is simply dust. It contains little glory in its original state. If we didn't have evidence of artists past and current making use of it and making beautiful artwork, we would see no hope for it to be used in any way.
Our aim is to remind people of the One true source of hope, even when all seems lost.
Without evidence of God working in hopeless situations, we would have no hope He could make anything of ours. If only we would listen to Him, we would see He has provided us past and current evidence of His power to bring
dawn from the darkness,
life from the dust,
hope from the hopeless,
honey from the rock
Honey Rock Ceramics is based on pottery handmade by artists in Ohio. Each piece is dedicated individual time, effort, and care to create.
As well as selling our work, we like to share the process of creating and any life lessons we may learn along the way.